A Grandfather's Clock profile
Nineteenth Century Salisbury, Maryland
Families Business Recreation Historical Events Local Gossip Waterways
Situated at the headwaters of the Wicomico River, a major tributary to the Chesapeake Bay, and along rail lines running north, south, east and west, Salisbury was in a convienent location for the florishing growth and industrialization of the Eastern Shore of Maryland, Delaware and Virginia which occured in the late 1800's and early 1900's.
One of the difficulties which may stump family researchers and historians is the fact that Salisbury at one time existed in two counties. Division Street was the boundry prior to 1869 of Worcester and Somerset Counties. The creation of Wicomico County in 1869 put Salisbury as the county seat and the government and historical records hereafter in one location.
July 1997 Author George "Buddy" Richardson, email georich@gclock.com