Extracts of Old Eastern Shore Newspapers

Snow Hill Democratic Messenger Jan 5, 1895

"Mumford, Richardson & co. -Proprietors- Central Hotel Livery Stables, Snow Hill, Md."

"On Wednesday, December 26th Mr. A. H. Hayman, of Philadelphia and Miss Geanette Bounds were married at the home of the brides parents near West Post office, the Rev. William H. Logan officiating."

Peninsula Ledger July 4, 1896

"Dr. W. H. Walters, Surgeon Dentist, Pocomoke City, MD. prepared to do all kinds of dental work, and guarantees satisfaction. Teeth extracted without pain by the use of ---troas Oxide Gas or Cocaine. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. Prices Moderate."

"W. Ulysses Schoolfield, Surveyor, Pocomoke City, MD. special attention paid to adjusting disputed lines."

"Pensions and Bounty, Robt. H. Gillett, Attorney for Claimants, Pocomoke City, MD. Prompt attention given to the collection of all classes of Soldiers's Claims. When a claim has been neglected take special pains to complete it and to secure settlement. No advance fee charged. I have had an experience of 16 years in collecting Soldiers claims."

"The cheapest place to get your Spectacles and Eyeglasses is at Wm. Sartorious. Eyes tested free of charge."

"Rev. & Mrs. Wm. H. Logan, of Princess Anne recently celebrated their silver wedding."

"Maryland has another stain on her fair name. Lynchers having taken Joseph Cocking from Port Tobacco jail last Saturday morning, hanging him with out the formality of a trial giving the man a chance to defend himself."

"Mr. Francis Henry Purnell, Clerk of the Circuit Court, and Miss Mary Colquohoun Goldsborough, daughter of Mr. Charles Goldsborough of Baltimore, were married on Thursday of last week at the residence of the brides parents, on St. Paul St., Baltimore."

"The storeroom next to Capt Robinson's is again occupied, Mr. M. W. Coston having opened up a green grocery there. Maurice has a large number of acquaintances and friends and is a hustler as well, and will doubtless have a good trade."

"The infant child of W. S. Schoolfield died Monday and was buried Tuesday afternoon."

"Died in Washington, N. C., on Wednesday the 1st. Mrs. Jennie Fitzgerald wife of Jno. Fitzgerald who formerly resided here."

Peninsula Press Dec 12, 1896

"The Peninsula Press, a local paper of Worcester County, and Organ of the Prohibition Party on the Penisnsula. Published every Saturday by Hastings & McAllen Bros."

Salisbury Advertiser April 17, 1897

"Parsonsburg, MD

Mr. Isaac Parsons fell from a cart Monday and got his shoulder out of place.

Messrs. Ernest Parsons and Manlius Johnson of this town, have gone to St Mary's county to work in the lumber business."

Snow Hill Democratic Messenger Nov 4, 1899

"Bids Approved Snow Hill, Md., Oct 26, '99 Thursday the County Commissioners of Worcester County opened the sealed bids filed in their office by the various physicians of said county to vaccinate all persons who may apply from the first day of January, nineteen hundred, to the first day of January, nineteen hundred and one.

The following physicians were found to be the lowest bidders: Dr. J. H. King, Dist. No. 1 and 7 Dr. Wm. D. Straughn, Dist. No. 2 and 8 Dr. E. Holland, Dist. No. 3,4,5 and 9

The Board accepted their bids and appointed the above named vaccine Physicians for said districts in said County for 1900. W. Elton Boston, Pres."

"Mr. Reedy and wife are the latest Pennsylvanians to locater in Worcester. They have purchased a farm near Box Iron and say they are well pleased with the people and the country."

"Dickerson - Parsons The wedding of Mr. William C. Dickerson and Miss Ida Florence Parsons was solemnized by Rev George Morris in Mt. Olive Church Wednesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The groom and best man, Mr. Edgar S. Carmean, met the bride and brother Mr. Chester Parsons who gave her away, at the altar. They were proceeded up the aisle by the ushers, Messrs. Edward Mumford, Arthur Shockley, Eddie West and Edgar Gordy. The brides maids were Misses Lottie Carmean, Lulu West, Stella and Ethel Parsons. Mendelsohms wedding march was rendered by Miss Annie Kate Tilghman. The bride wore a dress of blue broadcloth trimmed in white satin with hat and gloves to match. After the ceremony a reception was given at Mr. James E. Dickerson's, father of the groom. They were the recipients of a number of handsome presents. We congratulate the happy couple and wish them a bon voyage through life."

"Changed Hands. Baltimore Chesapeake and Atlantic's Meeting. Salisbury, Md., Nov. 1, - The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway Company was held in the office of the company here today. The following directors were elected: S. M. Provost, John S. Wilson, Robert B. Dixon, Samuel Rea, Robert M. Cassett, Samuel ---croft, H. F. Kenney, Judge J. Arthur Dennis, Skipwith Wilmer, C. A. Shipley, John P. Green, ex Gov. Elihu E. Jackson, Willard Thompson. The directors elected the following officers.

President - S. M. Provost Vice President and General Manager - Capt. Willard Thompson Auditor - W. L. Rothstein Superintendent Railway Division - A.-------

The Pennsylvania Railroad Company, which recently purchased the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railroad, took charge of the system at noon today. The directors of the Pennsylvania Railroad held a joint meeting with the directors of the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway in Salisbury."


Mr. Stewart Nelson and son are putting the second coat of plastering on the new church.

Mr. John Farrell, of New York, is visiting his son, John T. Farrell, in Queponco.

Miss Annie Holston returned recently to Philadelphia where she will reside in the future.

Mr. T. H. Tilghman and family spent Sunday with relatives near Bishopville.

Mr. Harry Bowen and wife after spending quite a while with their parents here returned to their home in Ronkonkoma, Long Island, Tuesday."


Mrs. Turner Davis is still feeling the effects of a severe fall which she had one day last week."


Several of our citizens attended the marriages of Miss Willie Riggin and Mr. Bowland and Miss Stella Duer and Mr. Howard at Pocomoke City this week.

Mr. Washington Pilchard and Miss Ardis were married Wednesday and a reception was given at the home of the groom's father.

Mrs. Harvey Selby has left here to make her home in Wilmington, Del, where her husband has a position. We are sorry to lose one of our girls, and we only have twenty-nine left now.

Mrs. Isaac Davis has been quite ill for the past week and we are sorry to say is but little better."


Miss Lida Holland is visiting her brother --E. Holland.

Mrs. Vickers is visiting her daughter Mrs. Bernice Holland.

Mrs. M. E. Staton left Wednesday for the Old Lady's Home, in Baltimore, where she expects to reside in the future.

Dr. Sidney Lane has resigned his position in Dr. T. Y. Franklin's drug store and A.L. Collins, the former clerk, will be found in his old place in the future.

Edward Trader and Miss Miranda Costen were married this week.

Zadock Henry, Jr. who is attending the College of Physicans and Surgeons, Baltimore, has returned home for the election.

Mr. Rufus Lowe, of Berlin, and Miss Louise Nichols, of Delmar, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday. They returned to his home the same evening on the 10:30 train, where a reception was given them.

Married, at the Presbyterian Mance, last Sunday evening, Oct 29th, by the Rev. Arthur Dougall, Miss Maggie Jarvis and Mr. George Hastings.

Mr. Edward McMaster, school Commissioner of Worcester County, was at St. Martins Neck and Ocean City inspecting the new school houses at these places. He also paid our High School a visit.

Mr. John Williams and Miss Mary Parkhill were united in marriage at the --T. Chance, Tuesday evening Oct, 31 at --o'clock. the ceremony was performed by Rev. H. G. Budd, in the presence of a number of friends. After the ceremony a reception was given at the residence of the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willaims of Ironshire. Mr. and Mrs. Williams are among our most popular young people and have our best wishes. We are informed they will reside here."

Snow Hill Democratic Messenger Jan 1, 1899

"An eagle shot by Clarence Harrington, of Farmington, measured ninety two inches from tip to tip."

"Messrs. Elmo W. Johnson and W. W. Smith have moved into their handsome new houses on Washington Street."

"Miss Spence, one of the teachers of Girdletree Grammar School, is sick at Rowley's Hotel, that town. She has been teaching in Girdletree only a few months, but in that time has made many friends who wish for her speedy recovery."

"Mrs. Seth M. Baker of Colbournes's district died of consumption last Friday. she was about thirty years of age and leaves a husband and six children. She was a native of St. Martins district and her remains were sent to Bishop's station for interment last Monday morning."

"Some of the enterprising members of the Snow Hill Presbyterian Church and congregation are investigating the matter of introducing steam heat in the building. The church has always been hard to heat and it is thought the people will willingly contribute for a system which will insure a warm building."

"Miss Louise Wilson is one of the fair debutantes of the season and made her formal bow to society in Baltimore with the opening of the New Year. Miss Wilson is the only daughter of the lat William Sidney Wilson and is spending the winter with her mother at the Stafford hotel, Baltimore."

"Cards are out announcing the marriage of Mr. Merrill Stevens and Miss Ada Evans, which occurred at the home of Mr. Frank Evans on Wednesday evening by Rev. Dorsey Blake. A reception was held after the ceremony and Mr. and Mrs. Stevens received the congratulations of their many friends. They will reside in Snow Hill."

"Captain Parker Smith and William E. Cuff have moved out of the Hotel Worcester and Mrs. Peter Parker has taken charge of the hotel with William Kelley as bar tender. Mr. Cluff has gone into the mercantile business, having purchased L. A. Purnell's stock and rented the store. Captain Smith has rented the hotel and bar opposite the town hall and will conduct it himself."

"Mrs. William Cluff had her hands badly burned Saturday night by a hanging lamp. she went into the room and found the lamp wick turned up so high that the blaze was going out the top of the chimney. She attempted to turn down the wick when the staple, from which the lamp was suspended from the ceiling, pulled out and the lamp fell. Mrs. Cluff caught it and put it out, but her hands were badly burned in doing so."

"Married - At Cokesbury Church December 28th, Mr. Willie Carmean and Miss India Pusey, both of Worcester County were united in Holy Matrimony by the Rev. W. G. Strickland. After the ceremony the happy couple drove to their home at Williams."

"Found His Brother - More than 25 years ago Philip and Thomas Green, sons of Philip Green, of Drawbridge, Del., became separated, and Philip did not know whether his brother was dead or alive. For 25 years he has been searching for him, and a few days ago was surprised on learning that Thomas had been living for years near Bridgeville, only a few miles away. There was an affectionate meeting of the long lost brothers."

"Storm Swept - Worcester County and the whole Eastern Shore was swept by a blizzard Saturday night. In twenty four hours there was a drop of over fifty degrees in temperature. Driven by a fierce wind, the snow drifted ten feet deep on the county roads in the upper counties making impassable. Nearly all the harbors rivers were ice locked but Monday brought warmer weather and a general thawing."

"Old Colored Man - Phillip Quinton, one of the oldest colored men in this section of the county, died Wednesday evening of old age and general debility. He ran away from his master, Captain Parker Selby, father of Mrs. James S. Jones, many years ago and reached Lynn, Mass., where he obtained lucrative employment and after he had been away a year or so wrote to Captain Selby and offered to buy his freedom, saying that as the Captain had to buy him he wanted to pay him back. Quinton's offer was accepted and he paid over the money to his old master. Several years afterward he returned to Snow Hill with his savings and lived here until he died last Wednesday."

"A Quiet Wedding

The home of Mr. and Mrs. Levi J. Brimer was the scene of a pleasant social gathering of friends and relatives who had assembled by invitation to witness the marriage of their daughter Annie, to Mr. Hurley J. Esham, of Norfolk, Va...."

"Francis Dashiell Dead.

Mr. Francis J. H. Dashiell, a brother of Dr. Erastus S. Dashiell, died at his home No. 513 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, last Wednesday, after two week's illness with pneumonia superinduced by an attack of the grip. Mr. Dashiell was a native of this county. When only a small boy he manifested a fondness for engineering which was cultivated and he became an efficient engineer. His first service was on the steamer plying between Franklin City and Chincoteague, on the first boat on that route. He was afterward given the same position on the steamer plying between Snow Hill and Baltimore, and moved to the latter city about twenty years ago, where he married and leaves a widow and one daughter, Miss Francis Dashiell. Mr. Dashiell has been connected with the Baltimore, Chesapeake and Atlantic Railway Company as an engineer since its organization, and was one of its most proficient employees. His remains were brought to Snow Hill Friday and interred in the P. E. church cemetery by the side of his father, Mr. James A. Dashiell. We sympathize with the grief stricken relatives and friends of the deceased."

"Francis B. Russell Dies in Snow Hill After a Lingering Illness

Mr. Francis B. Russell, well known all over the county, and the eldest son of the late Justice Daniel P. Russell, died at the home of his mother in this town Tuesday evening. He was 58 years of age and had spent most of his life in Snow Hill.

He was a painter by trade and was considered a most excellent workman. Mr. Russell was a soldier of the Civil War and served in Smith's cavalry, and for several years has drawn a small pension from the U. S. Government.

He leaves a widow, Mrs. Lizzie Russell, sister of Thomas Z. Johnson, and a brother, Mr. Charles W. Russell, both of whom reside in Snow Hill.

Mr. Russell spent some months of last year in Berlin working at painting carriages for Mr. Henry J. Anderson.

He was of a genial disposition when well and was very entertaining, but his health had been very poor for a year or more and his death was caused by a complication of diseases."

"Death of Mrs. Brittingham

Mrs. Arella Brittingham, wife of Captain W. W. Brittingham, died at the residence of her husband in Pocomoke City Sunday night December 25th, of consumption. Her son died recently with the same disease and this hastened her death. Captain Brittingham, who is a member of the Board of County Commissioners, was here Tuesday and bore upon his countenance the grief he has met. We deeply sympathize with him. At the meeting of the commissioners on Wednesday, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted:

Inasmuch as an All Wise Providence has seen fit to call away from earth the esteemed wife of our colleague, Wm. W. Brittingham, therefore be it

Resolved, that we extend to him our deepest sympathy in his great affliction. Resolved, that as a mark of respect this Board do now adjourn till next Tuesday, the tenth day of January, and be it further Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the Board of County Commissioners and a copy be furnished the newspapers of the county for publication. William E. Boston, Pres't Thomas Holloway Edwin H. Taylor Charles M. Peters."

July 1997, from the collection of George E. Richardson, III Email: georich@gclock.com