Some Good Genealogy Organizations

Please take a look at some of these fine genealogy organizations. You can often get assistance in your research and they may have interesting publications and seminars. They may be worth joining to help support the cause. Please send some EMail to me ( if you have and organization you'd like listed here.

Lower Delmarva Genealogical Society - LDGS has a regular publication to members and a sympsium every two years. Dues are $15.00 per year. Members volunteer in the Maryland Room of the Wicomico County Free Library each Thursday at 1PM.

Spencer Genealogical and Historical Society - SHGS has a very good regular publication, Le Despencer. Queries are published at no charge to members and $2.50 for nonmembers. Dues are $15.00 per year.

December 1996, George "Buddy" Richardson